CYC policies, procedures, contracts and forms
CYC have adopted and applied Gymnastics Australia’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Member Protection Policy to ensure the safety and protection of our athletes, staff, and families. In addition, our code of conduct and supporting policies provide further provision for the protection of participants.
All policies are reviewed regularly to ensure they are of the highest standard. Staff, coaches and committee members support the implementation and monitoring of the policies and code of contact.
CYC Member Protection Information Officers and Child Safe Representative can be contacted at the club on 95909300 or via their email addresses.
CYC Member Protection Information Officers (MPIO)
Gabrielle Spoljaric – wellbeing@cyc.net.au
Dani Robb – dani.robb@cyc.net.au
CYC Child Safe Representative (CSR)
Karyn Clancy – karyn.clancy@cyc.net.au